Saturday, December 29, 2007

2007 snowman

this one realy touched my heart, it's from a very good friend, she said it called out to her so she had to buy it for me! Funny how my friends heard the voices also!!!!

happy holidays to you and yours

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

out of the cold....

into the warm! i am thankfull that a sister in law lives in florida! i am taking mother in law down for the Graduation of said sister from college! We are very proud of her indeed! She has overcome alot in her lifetime! WTG KIDDO!!!!!

well for the next 5 day i will be wearing capri's and t-shirts with no winter coat!!!! WOOT WOOT i am excited and hoping the weather will cooperate so we can leave! The rain/sleet yesterday has me a little worried! But off we go.........

ttfn Beth

Saturday, December 8, 2007

sister friends

Bad asses that we are!

just a few pics

i so love these pics of things around me! love the grass up northwoods way! My g/f's flowers...sooo pretty and Fall Leaves!
hope you enjoy them too!

Friday, November 30, 2007

i love me some crazy socks!

Kandy gave me some new slippers before she moved out! Two pair actually! the others are black with Kitty cats on them! these yellow ones stay on the first floor, the black ones, on the second floor next to my bed! It's not often i need to wear them (hormoneally!!!) But when i want them....i have 2 new pairs now. I guess i am hard/tough of slippers, seems I've had several pairs for quite some time now, so they were retired to slipper heaven.
One of my g/f's loves my crazy socks! Why didn't i remember to write that down on my xmas list!?!! But i realy do like to wear socks that make a statement! I have several pair that make me giggle when i select them! (one pair look like laced up tennis shoes) BFF laughs every time i wear those to her house! I do remove my shoes when i enter her house,so that may be why i like to wear my craziest one to her house, knowing she's looking at my feet! LOL
Well enough about me socks...till later...more pics then!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

so much done already!

where ice-cream cones come from!
i do feel like this year i have done alot ahead of time for myself! It will also help me be more relaxed for the holidays, and i need that big time! To realize that i will be cutting out 5 days of prep,buy,wrap,or get anything done time out of my month of December, scares me! I usually use each and every single day to try and be ready ( are we ever realy ready???) I hope i am not adrift ALONE on this here boat!

I was clearing a few emails, and came across this lovely cartoon sent to me from Willie! He knows i like snowmen/snowwomen and sent me this years ago! but now i feel it fits my mood right now! shhhhhh don't tell, but i am secretly wishing for snow here! it just makes things all pretty and white! and smells fresh and chilling! Living on lake michigan we sometimes get lake-effect snow, or have more because we are so close to the lake! don't rat me out...but now i love winter and snow! even thou i am not a "winter sports" kinda nut...i am the sit and watch it from inside kind of person! cheers with a mug'o'choco

only a few more totes to haul up from the basement! Off i go...humming christmas tunes! enjoy your holiday preperations! :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

it's good to be home!

i am a very lucky person, i get to travel at another persons expense (Fathers-in-laws are wonderful). I had the ummmm....pleasure of helping my father-in-law drive down to Sarasota Florida, he acts tough, but is sweet underneath it all! We left Wisconsin with the expected high of 39 degrees...can you say BRRRRRRRR! When we reached Florida, it was a wonderful 79 degrees...almost warm enough for me to want to go swimming in the pool outdoors! but i didn't, i refraned, and didn't want to SHOCK the old people there! The trip down is always enlightening and informative with a man who realy doesn't know me that well. Not like i just joined the family or anything, married for 27 years now!, but he is learning i am not such a bad person after all. And there is a good reason his son pick me and held on to me so tight! (oops does that sound conceited?'s not suppose to be) He was mis-informed many years ago, by another family member! But now i think he likes me for who i am!
ok on with it already.....driving isn't the problem, it's getting him to stop and not push it so hard! A person can only take so much sitting down in a car! We thinks because we make good time, we should continue and get as far as we can get in one day...even if this means there are no rooms left to stay the night! Calling ahead doesn't do any good either, i tried that! But walking in at just the right time, to get a cancellation, and snatch the room up...even if it means sharing a room and sleeping on a roll-away bed.It does pay to be short to sleep on one of those things! that night was saved, and peacefull sleep was had by both occupants, with a joke of " i slept with your Dad honey" and got quite a laugh from the hubby!But the best part about leaving home, is getting back!
Welcome and sound

Sunday, November 4, 2007

a new look!

Hey G/F,
I totally love the new graphics on my blog page! It realy does look very nice! I love that we are sharing some JAVA! You did a great job here! thank you so very very much!
I should make it in here each and EVERY day! I will promise to do more! Even if it's just a few words or feelings! We all enjoy reading other ppl's thoughts huh! Well here to you "CHEERS my friend" thank you again!
p.s. ok so your telling me i can't be a Witch all year long huh! LOLOLOL

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Crazy One

The Wild Side Of Beth!

She's so cute!

Friday, October 26, 2007

happy halloween!

i am so excited about the party on saturday night!
my costume is almost done! i sure hope i look ok.
Bar Wench aka: Jello Shot Keeper

do you like dressing up?
i'll post pic asap

Thursday, October 25, 2007


it's thursday...what can i say....

i did try to post the funny animal picture thingy, but the emailing it to myself must not have worked right...i didn't get it! so untill i do get it right and post it like i said i would...please enjoy this little number that was email to me! thanks Willie...i loved it!

waves her american flag!**==

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fall colors

Fall Leaves

do you like to rake? the first leaves to fall to the ground, they dry, and crunch when we walk on them. This has to be my favorite time of the year! I rake, I gather,I bag, and I repeat as often as needed! Today may just be one of those kinds of days....gonna grab extra bags to do leaves...enjoy nature ay her fullest!

I leave you with a nice fall picture...enjoy :)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Monday is RED

Tuesday is PURPLE

Wensday is GREEN

Thursday is PINK (wish is was orange! had some cute pumpkins)

Friday is BLUE

DeeJay started this on monday, well I am always late with deadlines! hahaha And since I'm not going to be able to finish the week...i thought i would post all at one time! I love taking pictures of flowers...and Pat's yard has soooooo many pretty ones...i just had to capture them! Hope you enjoy them and thank you DeeJ for making this blog so much fun!

Friday, October 5, 2007

all gone!

my lump is all gone! buh bye now

I'm doing fine, alot of bruised, but just fine! Dr. had to push alot to get it all out!. it sure was bigger then she expected it to be! after the numb wore off it wasnt that bad of pain! But this morning i woke up, and tossed and turned, couldn't fall alseep. ok so it's 5 AM......i feel a napping kinda day coming on!

the oldest is getting a half day off....but has to go into work later, so she's doing lunch with me!
PIZZA! yeah!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

a family thing...

at least thats what i think! My sisters have had them, my brother had one removed from his chest, it must be something in the genes....right? About 2 years ago i noticed a small lump on the right bicept, showed the Dr. and she measured it and made a note in my chart. Well last time i was sick i showed her it again, and she remeasured had grown double it's size in 2 years. She inturn sends me to someone who does this all the time. So after waiting to get into see this Dr., scheduling an appointment, having said appointment cancelled and rescheduled for another month is the day. Now that it's here i am kinda scared. even thou there is nothing to worry's an in office thing takes about 30 min total appointment...but it's still has me a little shook up!
I sure hope that I can use my right hand to click the mouse! hahaha if not i can't play many pogo games! lol
i will update this later today...all things gone well, of course!

enjoy your day, don't worry cause I'm doing enough for everyone!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

fall is starting

Apple Butter

i want to smell apple butter.

The entire process of making it from start to finish.

i am so in the fall mood...but this is wisconsin...wait ten minutes (specially on the lakefront) and the weather will change! From air conditioning to heat in a 24 hr. timeframe!

still...i LOVE Fall

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

i need a short break....

i am feeling the need for a northwoods visit.....
To meet these two newest members to the herd...they are cute!

Monday, September 17, 2007

I made my way back here!!! hurray!!!!'s taken a bit for me to fix the puter troubles...and in ding so i've lost all my info thats been gathered since getting this thing! oh my gosh...i miss having everything at my finger tips! But now i can start all over again....right? sound like fun to you??? doesn't to me either...hehehehe

I have missed alot of stuff, that i do on a normal basis...checking blogs, checking emails, playing games, and just plain contact with the internet world!!! But...unless something else goes wrong...I AM BACK!!!!!!!

woot woot...from the strange one!

oh yeah...i also moved my eldest daughter out of my house this past weekend...home is quiet and kid-less now! Her new place is realy cute! She moved in with an un-engaged g/f....and her 3 animals...which i am missing little sweetypie Harley! But i can go visit anytime! Oh Yeah...I've also decided not to push the "animal subject" with the hubby anymore...i think it's better this way...i animal-sit...but don't want to do it full time!!! Maybe later in life...but for now....we will remain animal-free!
have a good evening all...see you on tuesday!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

It's been busy around here!

for not having any set plans for the weekend...i sure was busy! We have guests this week...oldest daughters g/f, her girl dog and 2 boy cats are staying this week, till the apartment is done and ready to move into! I will enjoy the company around the house during the day...old house+animals=noise! (creeky floors, stairs, ect) All things happen for a reason....right?
I haven't posted lately because my puter has been acting up bad! I need to install a few virus stoppers and such, but Windows doesn't want to help at all! I am in NO WAY a geek with puters! neither is here we are DOH!!!!
i sure do miss all the things i do on my puter! without it...all i can do is clean and crochet ALOT! Made a Dough Boy for the youngest daughter...will try and post a pic later on of her and it! Way too funny!
well ok...brain lag now...more later...if/when i can!

have a GREAT day everyone....hands out unbrellas in my neck of the woods!

Monday, August 27, 2007

starting vacation!

my hubby started vacation officially today, but had yesterday off. He worked a 10 or so hour day on saturday,to be able to hopefully have sunday off! He's a hard working man...that he is!! He had a kickedback relaxed kinda day yesterday.
the oldest girl cme out to dinner withus, what fun we have! Harley's (puppysitter dog) mom joined us, but just came for company!We had a HOOT! We laugh alot when our girls are around us! Funny girls!!!

Today the honey-do list starts. It mostly has things to be done at the "Dad's" house....not mine! Not like i don't have a list...but his dad's place has a longer list...and dad shouldn't do these things by himself! He's a good son indeed!

My Godfather passed away last friday. He was 81, and lived a good life. Just seems like he never aged to me! He has always been Uncle Rich, sweet loveable man, with a good sence of humor...i shall miss him! RIP life today and smile at someone who isn't expecting it!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Technical difficulties

Wow...Windows has kicked my booty these past few days! I can't figure out what i've done to cause it, or how to fix it! The programs for windows is not always working! One day it starts up...another day it won't!

So if i'm MIA for a'all will know why! Like soooo many people read my blog huh! lolololol
have a better day then i am!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


They have a HUGE yard, big enough to fit all of these blow up/jump-on toys! And yes i did get into spiderman bouncer w/ Rylee, of course he was pulling me in (before anyone else got there) and him and I had a blast! No wonder kids love those things! The slide one has a hose attached to it, and a small pool that fills with water! It was raining,they were getting wet, and they enjoyed every minute of it! The gaint obstical course was way cool! Hot Dogs,soda's and chips were in big demand! But the best things were the popcorn and cotton candy! It's been years since i've had any, and boy did i get my fill of it! Cotton Candy = pure sugar! All over my glasses and face, i had alot of FUN with it!
The rain put a slight damper on the event, and some of the participants...but no lightening or thunder ment the fun could continue. Off and on the rain continued most of the day, but all in all it was a good turnout! The party may roll-over into today! Im thinking more quarters are needed! all for a good cause. more later.....maybe!!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Fund raising event

This couple i know decided to have a party to raise funds for a childrens hospital. My g/f and i are helping in whatever way we can. I know hot dogs soda and cotton candy will be available, and large blow-up jump-on toys! I sure hope all the children have tons of FUN! i have a feeling that i will be very tired,exhausted in fact, by the end of this party! So if i am not heard from for a few hours....pls don't worry about me, i'm resting! lololololol
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
me :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


i have another g/f who has become a grandma! Congrats Sassy!

i have several friends whom are called different names. Do you know of another name or two? lets share!
1. Nanee
2. Nana
3. Gamma/gramma (not sure if the R sound is said yet by Skylar)
4. Grammy

i so can't wait!!! But i guess i shall stay an Auntie for now!
have a great grandma kinda Day

Friday, August 10, 2007

dog sitting this weekend!

i am sooooo excited about having little Miss Harley this weekend. Her mommy and her auntie are going shopping at a VERY Large mall, in the next state over! And because her grandma and other auntie are going also, i've been asked to dog sit! My plans were nothing big for my weekend, so i will totally enjoy having a dog, small enough, to go anywhere with me! i see many walks in my plans for the weekend!

Of course, the hubby didn't know about these plans...till it was too late! He'll get over it quickly enough, when Harley snuggles in his lap. I'm hoping this makes him want a dog even more!
Don'tcha just love the tiny T-shirt i found for says..."My owner is cutier then your owner" just had to buy it for her! well time to go, you should be getting enough cutie pictures of her very soon...but till then....these will have to do!
have a good weekend TGIF!!!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

just another wensday!

Wow, where is this summer going? Seems like we were just making some begening plans for the summer time weather, and now we are looking at the end of the season here! Planning everything we can plan and schedule into the last few remaining weekends. It just seems to go faster and faster as you get older! And we all know I AM OLD! hehehehehe each and every day i am reminded of my getting older, things are hurting more! But LIFE goes on..........

i have been taking a few small steps to start cleaning out the clutter that is my house! Of course the rain we had the past few days has made me take those steps! our basement got a little wet! one corner will leak, if the rain comes down at the right angle! Well the small river that forms and runs to the floor drain, only got a few things wet! These said boxes were sitting right next to the stairs, waiting to be sorted and dispossed of...well now the box bottoms are all wet and soggy, and the contents can't be in much better shape! so today i am tackeling said boxes (great planning is gargabe day! oy!!so it has to sit till next weeks pick-up) unless i take a few bags over to Laura's house :D her day is friday hehehe) but i would love to get started and finished with this project. I think it may make my life (as housekeeper) much better! Alot more organized, and easier to clean and maintain! wow large goals huh?!

Spring tulips...were have they gone so fast?
live for today!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Happy Birthday to Cathy!!!

i so miss celebrating with her this year! We usually go to a bar/restaurant here in my town, that we all enjoy so much! But alass this year she will be camping at the hubbies yearly family outting! Hope you have a wonderful time on your day! Celebrate and be happy!!! For next year we will again be togeather to celebrate your day! Thats a "threat" lolololololol
love you Cat!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

the day to walk! into the night!! today is the relay walk, oy! It should be nice weather,no storms perdicted,but cross your fingers for us anyways pls! Last night we went out dancing, because my friends daughter and hubby are here from california (her best friends wedding the reason being)But i was forwarned earlier that friday night we may go out dancing! We always have a blast with these friends, last night being no exception! We go to a place just over the state line in Illnois, about 5 minutes away from home! ok maybe 10 min...but realy close anyways! They do serve food there, but only till a certain time. pusing tables togeather after the diners are gone,the dance floor is set. the DJ starts and we have a great time! It was very warm in there last night! ok so dancing can heat things up a bit!lol The nice walk out to the dock to dream about owning any boat there, enables you to benefit the beautiful breeze that come off of Lake Michigan...cools you down,gives you air...relaxes you and makes you rejuvinate...your ready for more dancing! We realy had a good time.

i think tonight while walking around the relay track i may regret the dancing i did do! But it's gonna be fun there! I am almost ready for this...mentally and physicaly!!! So if no post come here for the next few days...dont worry about me, i'm just cooling my feet off laying on the couch trying to catch some zzzz's! heheheheheheh ( ahh a reason to be lazier! gotta love it)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Getting ready for a walk relay!

ok so this weekend, the daughter and i are doing the caner for life relay! Our theme this year is "how the west beat cancer" we are cowboys and INDIANS! the dd made a very cute squaw dress and headband to match! a few beads and a few feathers...and we have outfits!!! She did a very nice job, i will post pictures after the event!
my first time staying overnight at this place. i wonder what i will realy need.The weather forcast looks good! cross your fingers please!
so DeeJ, on sunday i may be catching up on sleep! don't worry if im not here for our games! Then again...i may be sitting here all bleary-eyed and you could benefit from that huh!

ok enough boring yammering!


Monday, July 23, 2007

It's a monday!

This is my buddy Meow...he's a very special cat! He has a very special family who loves him deeply!He seems to like me because he follows me around their house! He realy likes to dive into my crochet bags! Funny thou...without anyone seeing him, he dives in head first, and usually comes out with a small ball of yarn to play with! But to see only that tail sticking out of a bag of yarn is sooooo funny! He also plays with the yarn that i am using at the time! but im not fast enough pulling the yarn out to keep his attention! He's very carefull with my yarn, he doesnt slobber it too bad! and never eats too much of it,and he will bring it to you, so you can toss it and make him pounce on it! He's just a laugh a second!

i am feeling very lonely lately...even talking to hubby about a new puppy! Since i'm not working, i can train and work with a puppy now, more then before!

Is this an "empty nest" symptom?

what do you think about it?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

my latest one up for raffle!

i had found this pattern in one of my many books, and thought it looked like fun! So i tried it, and found i was pretty fast at i couldn't EVER put it down! i did find that if you make all the small inside pieces first...then do all the next colors goes faster, and you retain the stitches better in an old feeble mind like mine! But i enjoyed making this one, it only took me about 2 weeks to do it! My oldest daughter asked me to make one for the "Cancer Walk", so we can raffle off tickets @ $1.00 each...only selling 175. I made the second one, same as the first, and designed a pillow to match it. My way of asking for a donation, and having a chance to win something! Not too shabby of a deal...right? Would you like to buy a buck chance?!! Now we have like 2 weeks left to sell them all, and we would like to draw the winning ticket before the actual "Relay For Life Cancer Walk" on friday the 27 th.

i just wanted to share this!
thanks for listening....or not!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

i've been tagged!

Here are the rules:

List 8 facts/habits about yourself

Post the rules at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed

Tag 8 people and post their names, go to their blogs and leave them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and ask them to read your blog.

1. a train runs through my backyard...headed to and from chicago.

2.I like playing in the dirt planting flowers and such.

3. i don't wear make-up! (feels like yuck on my face when i wear it!!)

4. I love liver and onions! weird huh?!

5. My hands must be doing i crochet

6. I decorate cakes, and make homemade frosting!

7. House cleaning is not a favorite habit of mine!

8.I don't wear shorts! thank goodness for capri's!!!!

ok so now for the 8 friends.......

Simply Sassy
Phlip Phlop Phanatic ...does she ever read this?
Marriednmental, Laura
Kristin...cause i can!

ok so how sad is it that i can only name 4 of the 8 needed! can i say "loser"!!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

i am so crazy about babies these days! i have had a few little ones in my arms this month! I love making them smile and think im realy goofy (realy i am goofy) and i love to see people surrounding me happy and excited about children. Everyone i know tells me i need to be a grandma! but my girls are not ready for that yet! I think Kori (my youngest) would love to get married and start her family right away...but they need to wait...and make sure this is what they want! ( and when they want it!!!) Her friends (2 very close ones) and a sister in law of boyfriends are all pregnant now...she hopes to be asked to be a God mother again.

ok enough for now...alot more pics later!

Monday, July 2, 2007

the Monday after

Yesterday was my cities fourth of July parade. I haven't been to one in a few years now, my girls are old enough to go with their friends now,so i was on my own-shall we say. My g/f house is on the main street about 4 houses down from the street closing, and every year her and hubby have a cook-out! Yummy food, and plenty of drinks,alot of their friends come. Her youngest, the son, belongs to his own band now, so the tent set up was for them to play! Seems most of his friends are into music one way or the other, and they all played around a bit! kinda like a jam session, warm up thing.Horn players and singers, drummers and guitar players....the music FILLED the air! It was pleasent for the most part! lol some sours notes and a little feedback, but it's LIVE! and they are young!

As an observer, i knoticed that the younger generation do not applaude for the bands and participants in the parade. But the flag passing by does seem to make them proud, and they join in for the applaudes! It just doesn't seem like they want to show the paradees their thankfullness with applauding.

I on the other hand, applaude for all the ppl who participate, especially the young ones (it's a VERY long walk) and i think they like to hear the thank you applaudes. My youngest daughter made the parade with about 25 minutes remaining till the end. She looks over at me and says...."it's nice to know you STILL ENJOY the parade mom...i've missed you being with me!!!!" Funny how when they are little they want to go everywhere with you...teens don't want ppl to see you with them....and the young adults want to "hang-out with the cool ppl" ( when did i go from one to the other?? im not quite sure!!!) But it warms my heart to feel happy and content, surrounded by the ones i love! I am proud to be an AMERICAN!

thank you

Monday, June 25, 2007

In The Jungle In Fast Motion.

just hit the funny bone with this one!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

it's saturday hurray!

wow, this week went very fast for me. i was able to accomplish alot of work this week,inside and out! hope this will continue...i have alot of cleaning to do before my mom comes for a visit.

Friendships are important to me. I know not everyone see it the way i do! but they are like treasures, to be cherished and nurtured.
i am a very rich person!
thank you my friends

Monday, June 11, 2007

Saturday, June 2, 2007

tramp stamps!

LOL! i also gave them tattoes on their behinds! A little touch i think the Bride is gonna love alot.

Micky and Mini

i have made the Mini Mouse to match the Mickey Mouse that had been started by someone else! Long story here! another time perhaps...i also added a few things, beyond the original pattern, for Gift giving reasons (very sentimental-grab the tissues for that one!) A June 2008 appearence is planned for this bride and groom, at a planned wedding of the owner of this handsome couple. Tears may flow alot that day!

My question to the cyber world is:
"Would you buy this? Give it as a gift? Or buy for yourself? how much would you say is too much?"

sorry...i am doubting myself here! I am thinking of making more of them, i enjoyed making them! But realy...does anyone even like mickey and mini theese days?

thanks...i need imput!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Birthday Weekend update.....

my gilrs Laura,Jackie and Dar (L.J.D. from here on out) started my day on thursday, with a wonderful get togeather at J's, and Lunch with L.& J. We missed D , sorry hun :( Next time it's on your day off! (how many you get now???? LOL!) The evening was spent with Pat, gotta love time togeather! Oh yeah, he has been on vacation this week, and i've loved having him home! We did alot of things around this house! and great starts to many projects i have planned shhhh they are only in my head right now! dont tell P.

Friday my actual day, i wasnt feeling so well, the allergies are kicking up and i started coughing early that morning...but that lead to a wonderful peacefull nap in the afternoon! and Dinner with P. at Ron's place. K&G were late, and not hungry, so we met them at Cooler By The Lake, a bar here. nicely remodeled, removed the overhang above the bar, and it looks good. a nice improvement. At 10 we planned to meet jose and lisa at Pavle's bar. their hangout! with party in tow we all had a blast! littlest K got way too drunk, and spent some time with the porcelen god! and she confesses Quoting here "Mommy takes care of you the BESTEST" awwwwww she was realy drunk! lol

i need to move on here and get to the reception for K's G/F, she's maid of honor, the whole family is gonna be there, we are gonna ROCK tonight!

more later

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

When you feel appreciated

My mother's Day was very nice. Both of my dear daughters(from here on out they are refered to as: DD's) spent the day with me,and made my day very special. The hubby made a wonderful breakfast, something he loves to do! while the youngest DD and i worked on my puzzle. The puzzle was once togeather completely, untill i decided to move it onto paper to glue it! I did save the pieces still put togeather, but what a mess! This said puzzle is going into the bathroom, of's Snowmen!
But when i awoke, the oldest DD was gone to the store, mall,whatever! Her Dad tells me she went to Hobby Lobby...i tell him they are closed on Sundays'!Shhhh, dont tell her this, but my heart sank, because what i asked for this year (something i dont usually do!!!) was at Hobby Lobby. but my next thoughts were, yes other stores that carry Wilton supplies would have it also! ok, hearts back where it belongs! lol She knows i want to learn to work with Fondont, and the wedding for next June i'm making fondont cakes. YES, with an S, CAKES! the newest thing these days is to have small cakes on each guest table. so i am told!! the Bride and Groom cake is cut as they sit down to eat dinner.,so then as the tables of guests want to eat cake, there is no waiting!. this is also a way of having the guests mingle. If i ,as a guest, see your cake looks good, i have to go ask for a slice of yours!and to each table as wanted....ect. See the "mingling" part! lol
ok...back on track now...DD also gave me the usuall flowers (that she loved as a toddler) Pansy's in yellow and purple, she use to call them "little faces" and we LOVE them. It was a wonderful day, and i feel very LOVED!

smile :)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

a girlfriend of mine....

one of my many girlfriends is trying to get me motivated these days. She has started calling me up, "whatcha doing?", and proceeded to con*me into going to her g/f's house and working out with them! the first time i went...i just watched and crocheted, but i did do a little stretching. This past week, said g/f, has called me and asked if i could help her,get top soil from the city compost place. she borrowed my trailer, and i thought, YES i can help you! before i realized, we had filled the first round,and headed to her house to unload it into her yard in various places. The daycare kids had a blast helping us! we loaded sand buckets for them, and made them realy help! we even loaded the little red wagon (the old metal type) and had them "team-work" to move it, one pushes while one pulls! I for one, had a BLAST! i didnt realize till i got home, that my cheeks and nose were a little sunburned! not bad, i will survive! lol
Day two she calls again...wanna help me again? i said sure, and proceeded to load the trailer half full this time! her neighbor needed some, and i also could spread some out in my yard (not to mention Dad's yard), so a few extra shovels full, just for good measure! the trailer is at her house still, and my turn is coming, to unload the rest and place it where needed! i can hear my outside plants cheering!!!!! (shhhh i talk to them too!!!!) this evening i want to cut some lilacs, they just opened yesterday, and enjoy their beautiful smells. Darlene will get as many as i can give her...she's a TRUE lilac lover...her baby bush is white. my lilacs are the purple one, a very old bush.
So last night said g/f calls and says wanna work out with us? You will feel beter, she says.....dont let this past week of physical labor go to waste, come with....................long pause.........i went , and slept like a bump on a log last night! hubby said i was snoring very loud! i think that's my allergies to tell the truth! but anyways....i feel GREAT! and i will continue to work out...with or without them! fresh air, exercise, and good friends...what more can one's SOUL ask for?
* me into,plead with me, tell me it's for my own good! do whatever it takes, just get me to move!!! insert sigh here!


Monday, May 7, 2007

it's May already!

ok...someone slipped the past few months past me! i know i was looking forward to spring and all, Easter already gone!, and it's May! Wow time realy does fly past, when your having Fun! It's my birthday this month, another year past! seems like the older you get the faster time goes!

i have plenty of events to look forward to, and plan,and help the up comming events are what we will focus on...right! appreciate each and every day, even as un-eventfull as they may be! i will enjoy and be thankfull ive lived yet another day! smile, and be happy for the PRESENT !

enjoy a monday

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I'd like you to meet Harley

is she not the cutest little thing?! sorry, she's the closest animal to me these days! (don't mean to hurt any other doggie feelings) she weights 4 1/2 lbs, last i heard her mom's report! and loves to snuggle! she stayed sitting on my lap because i was eating cake, like a little kid, watching each and every bit go in MY mouth! just wishing i would drop some her way! Her mommy loves her bunches, and i said i would Harley-sit anytime! Still waiting to be asked too! hehehe....i tell her every time i visit, that she has to hide in my purse and come home with me! her mom almost "pats-me-down" when i leave. to make sure i didn't TRY ANYTHING FUNNY! lol
would just love to have Harley and Fujiman meet some day! Her mommy may come down to Ok. with me and kiddo! i wanna bring Harley along too! we'll see, when the time comes!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

my wensday thoughts

im thinking of posting this baby blanket on EBay! i.m not sure if it will sell or not. but i think i need to take a chance here! i keep trying to increase my stock-on-hand, and to some point it is working! But i think it's about time to try to sell this! I enjoyed making it, the pattern kept me interested! It did turn out a little longer then it should have, but thats ok! I have never claimed to be perfect, i wont purposely put a mistake into a project, goodness knows they get in there somehow! But each one is made by me, and my hands! Simple, pretty and ment to keep a little one warm! No doubt in my mind that it will work!

i keep trying to research the completed listings on EBay, to find a reasonable price. But the ones on there either seem too machine made! or made by someone else (other then the lister) and are antiques or made a while ago! The norm seems to be estate sale items, or willed down, and not wanted any further,but the ones i make are clean, NEW, and made with mistakes (i don't charge extra for them !!!)but also made with love and patients. It keep my hands busy and makes me relax and enjoy what i am doing. To see the finished product makes me :) smile, and then criticise my own work. YOU know YOU can do that better!!!!! Try again!

oy that inner voice can drive me crazy at times!

what do you think you would pay for a blanket?

just wondering here


Monday, April 23, 2007

the daily habits.....

im sure we all have daily habits, things we do each and every day! i have not been able to do mydaily games with a girlfriend. her modem stopped working and she's waiting for a new one! oy, i feel lost, like i have forgotten something! i even woke up hopefull this morning, thinking today will be the day she comes back on line! And with enough power and umf to stay on for an entire game...or even maybe two!!! it just feels so strange...and i miss our morning games!

hurry delivery man and get it to her now!

lol, just the thoughts on my mind! OY!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

spring in the northwoods

this is spring! Yes...that is snow!

this weed was far enough away not to get burned, but i loved how it looked with the bonfire in the background!

Monday, April 16, 2007

friends are very special.i value the ones i have,and i try to be there for them,help them when they needed it, lend an ear,keep eyes out for them, whatever is takes. I am blessed with a wonderful group of girlfriends, each one special and unique, strong,loving and compassionate woman. God has blessed me with a life long line of friends. for this i am thankfull.

Hug a friend today, and make her smile and feel loved.

friends are very special.i value the ones i have,and i try to be there for them,help them when they needed it, lend an ear,keep eyes out for them, whatever is takes. I am blessed with a wonderful group of girlfriends, each one special and unique, strong,loving and compassionate woman. God has blessed me with a life long line of friends. for this i am thankfull.

Hug a friend today, and make her smile and feel loved.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wensday ..mid-week

trying to get things done before you leave for a few days from your home is craziness. It's like you just know it's not gonna stay clean, or kept neet and tidy, but still you must do it! Get all laundry caught up and ready, pack while putting away clean cloths,realize the dryer vent is probabbly clogged, cause it's now behind two loads from the washer! made a loaf of bread for the hubby, and bar cookies, and an extra roast for dinner(so he has some easy meals for himself)and get this all done in one day! pack the vehical,gas,oil check,tires air checked, and now hubby says we need to go grocery shopping before i leave in the morning...looks like i may get up there by supper time...hopefully!!!

grab the check list...DBL checking supplies is always a good thing!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

i cut my hair short!

i am most ready for spring now! i did it...grew out my hair so it's "almost" one length now. i have very thick hair, and usually cut it in many layers. But this time my mom told me i shopuld grow it out and do a "BOB" kinda cut, like the gal in the show "Medium", i liked her hair when the new season started!

sooooooo it is! it only took me all winter! thank goodness my hair grows very fast!

ok....don't laugh too hard now!!!