Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Crazy One

The Wild Side Of Beth!

She's so cute!

Friday, October 26, 2007

happy halloween!

i am so excited about the party on saturday night!
my costume is almost done! i sure hope i look ok.
Bar Wench aka: Jello Shot Keeper

do you like dressing up?
i'll post pic asap

Thursday, October 25, 2007


it's thursday...what can i say....

i did try to post the funny animal picture thingy, but the emailing it to myself must not have worked right...i didn't get it! so untill i do get it right and post it like i said i would...please enjoy this little number that was email to me! thanks Willie...i loved it!

waves her american flag!**==

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fall colors

Fall Leaves

do you like to rake? the first leaves to fall to the ground, they dry, and crunch when we walk on them. This has to be my favorite time of the year! I rake, I gather,I bag, and I repeat as often as needed! Today may just be one of those kinds of days....gonna grab extra bags to do leaves...enjoy nature ay her fullest!

I leave you with a nice fall picture...enjoy :)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Monday is RED

Tuesday is PURPLE

Wensday is GREEN

Thursday is PINK (wish is was orange! had some cute pumpkins)

Friday is BLUE

DeeJay started this on monday, well I am always late with deadlines! hahaha And since I'm not going to be able to finish the week...i thought i would post all at one time! I love taking pictures of flowers...and Pat's yard has soooooo many pretty ones...i just had to capture them! Hope you enjoy them and thank you DeeJ for making this blog so much fun!

Friday, October 5, 2007

all gone!

my lump is all gone! buh bye now

I'm doing fine, alot of bruised, but just fine! Dr. had to push alot to get it all out!. it sure was bigger then she expected it to be! after the numb wore off it wasnt that bad of pain! But this morning i woke up, and tossed and turned, couldn't fall alseep. ok so it's 5 AM......i feel a napping kinda day coming on!

the oldest is getting a half day off....but has to go into work later, so she's doing lunch with me!
PIZZA! yeah!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

a family thing...

at least thats what i think! My sisters have had them, my brother had one removed from his chest, it must be something in the genes....right? About 2 years ago i noticed a small lump on the right bicept, showed the Dr. and she measured it and made a note in my chart. Well last time i was sick i showed her it again, and she remeasured had grown double it's size in 2 years. She inturn sends me to someone who does this all the time. So after waiting to get into see this Dr., scheduling an appointment, having said appointment cancelled and rescheduled for another month is the day. Now that it's here i am kinda scared. even thou there is nothing to worry's an in office thing takes about 30 min total appointment...but it's still has me a little shook up!
I sure hope that I can use my right hand to click the mouse! hahaha if not i can't play many pogo games! lol
i will update this later today...all things gone well, of course!

enjoy your day, don't worry cause I'm doing enough for everyone!