Kandy gave me some new slippers before she moved out! Two pair actually! the others are black with Kitty cats on them! these yellow ones stay on the first floor, the black ones, on the second floor next to my bed! It's not often i need to wear them (hormoneally!!!) But when i want them....i have 2 new pairs now. I guess i am hard/tough of slippers, seems I've had several pairs for quite some time now, so they were retired to slipper heaven.
One of my g/f's loves my crazy socks! Why didn't i remember to write that down on my xmas list!?!! But i realy do like to wear socks that make a statement! I have several pair that make me giggle when i select them! (one pair look like laced up tennis shoes) BFF laughs every time i wear those to her house! I do remove my shoes when i enter her house,so that may be why i like to wear my craziest one to her house, knowing she's looking at my feet! LOL
Well enough about me socks...till later...more pics then!
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