it piles up everywhere! Seems we do get alot of snow, specially this winter...oh yeah...it's spring, did someone forget to tell this to Mother Nature?! We got dumped AGAIN! Just when i was starting to like looking at brown dead grass and tiny sprouts starting to push up out of the ground! Now it's all white WET and heavy again! We must have received over a foot of snow yesterday! I don't even want to know what it did over night! It looks like another day of shoveling. Hubby broke the shovel last night, borrowed one from his Dad's house!Speaking of his Dad's house...i now offically hate his driveway! Way too long and over 2 car widths wide! And the plow driver went past at least three times, and made a huge knee-high pile at the end! I was so tired after the bad day {kid went off the road, hit trees with her P T Cruiser} But everyone is fine! Well today she may be a little sore, she did have her seatbelt on, but her air bag never went off! The cruiser needed to be towed out, but the tow truck drivers were being called off the roads...because of the continuing snow falling and bad conditions! So out i go driving 45 minutes west in very bad visability, to pick her up, and help her out! But on the way home...POOP OCCURES AGAIN....My jeep starts to overheat and we break down almost back into town. 2-3 hours for a tow, with my jeep packed full of stuff, and 2 kids who have already had a bad day. I kept my cool.......beleave it or not!
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