Sunday, May 27, 2007

Birthday Weekend update.....

my gilrs Laura,Jackie and Dar (L.J.D. from here on out) started my day on thursday, with a wonderful get togeather at J's, and Lunch with L.& J. We missed D , sorry hun :( Next time it's on your day off! (how many you get now???? LOL!) The evening was spent with Pat, gotta love time togeather! Oh yeah, he has been on vacation this week, and i've loved having him home! We did alot of things around this house! and great starts to many projects i have planned shhhh they are only in my head right now! dont tell P.

Friday my actual day, i wasnt feeling so well, the allergies are kicking up and i started coughing early that morning...but that lead to a wonderful peacefull nap in the afternoon! and Dinner with P. at Ron's place. K&G were late, and not hungry, so we met them at Cooler By The Lake, a bar here. nicely remodeled, removed the overhang above the bar, and it looks good. a nice improvement. At 10 we planned to meet jose and lisa at Pavle's bar. their hangout! with party in tow we all had a blast! littlest K got way too drunk, and spent some time with the porcelen god! and she confesses Quoting here "Mommy takes care of you the BESTEST" awwwwww she was realy drunk! lol

i need to move on here and get to the reception for K's G/F, she's maid of honor, the whole family is gonna be there, we are gonna ROCK tonight!

more later

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

When you feel appreciated

My mother's Day was very nice. Both of my dear daughters(from here on out they are refered to as: DD's) spent the day with me,and made my day very special. The hubby made a wonderful breakfast, something he loves to do! while the youngest DD and i worked on my puzzle. The puzzle was once togeather completely, untill i decided to move it onto paper to glue it! I did save the pieces still put togeather, but what a mess! This said puzzle is going into the bathroom, of's Snowmen!
But when i awoke, the oldest DD was gone to the store, mall,whatever! Her Dad tells me she went to Hobby Lobby...i tell him they are closed on Sundays'!Shhhh, dont tell her this, but my heart sank, because what i asked for this year (something i dont usually do!!!) was at Hobby Lobby. but my next thoughts were, yes other stores that carry Wilton supplies would have it also! ok, hearts back where it belongs! lol She knows i want to learn to work with Fondont, and the wedding for next June i'm making fondont cakes. YES, with an S, CAKES! the newest thing these days is to have small cakes on each guest table. so i am told!! the Bride and Groom cake is cut as they sit down to eat dinner.,so then as the tables of guests want to eat cake, there is no waiting!. this is also a way of having the guests mingle. If i ,as a guest, see your cake looks good, i have to go ask for a slice of yours!and to each table as wanted....ect. See the "mingling" part! lol
ok...back on track now...DD also gave me the usuall flowers (that she loved as a toddler) Pansy's in yellow and purple, she use to call them "little faces" and we LOVE them. It was a wonderful day, and i feel very LOVED!

smile :)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

a girlfriend of mine....

one of my many girlfriends is trying to get me motivated these days. She has started calling me up, "whatcha doing?", and proceeded to con*me into going to her g/f's house and working out with them! the first time i went...i just watched and crocheted, but i did do a little stretching. This past week, said g/f, has called me and asked if i could help her,get top soil from the city compost place. she borrowed my trailer, and i thought, YES i can help you! before i realized, we had filled the first round,and headed to her house to unload it into her yard in various places. The daycare kids had a blast helping us! we loaded sand buckets for them, and made them realy help! we even loaded the little red wagon (the old metal type) and had them "team-work" to move it, one pushes while one pulls! I for one, had a BLAST! i didnt realize till i got home, that my cheeks and nose were a little sunburned! not bad, i will survive! lol
Day two she calls again...wanna help me again? i said sure, and proceeded to load the trailer half full this time! her neighbor needed some, and i also could spread some out in my yard (not to mention Dad's yard), so a few extra shovels full, just for good measure! the trailer is at her house still, and my turn is coming, to unload the rest and place it where needed! i can hear my outside plants cheering!!!!! (shhhh i talk to them too!!!!) this evening i want to cut some lilacs, they just opened yesterday, and enjoy their beautiful smells. Darlene will get as many as i can give her...she's a TRUE lilac lover...her baby bush is white. my lilacs are the purple one, a very old bush.
So last night said g/f calls and says wanna work out with us? You will feel beter, she says.....dont let this past week of physical labor go to waste, come with....................long pause.........i went , and slept like a bump on a log last night! hubby said i was snoring very loud! i think that's my allergies to tell the truth! but anyways....i feel GREAT! and i will continue to work out...with or without them! fresh air, exercise, and good friends...what more can one's SOUL ask for?
* me into,plead with me, tell me it's for my own good! do whatever it takes, just get me to move!!! insert sigh here!


Monday, May 7, 2007

it's May already!

ok...someone slipped the past few months past me! i know i was looking forward to spring and all, Easter already gone!, and it's May! Wow time realy does fly past, when your having Fun! It's my birthday this month, another year past! seems like the older you get the faster time goes!

i have plenty of events to look forward to, and plan,and help the up comming events are what we will focus on...right! appreciate each and every day, even as un-eventfull as they may be! i will enjoy and be thankfull ive lived yet another day! smile, and be happy for the PRESENT !

enjoy a monday

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I'd like you to meet Harley

is she not the cutest little thing?! sorry, she's the closest animal to me these days! (don't mean to hurt any other doggie feelings) she weights 4 1/2 lbs, last i heard her mom's report! and loves to snuggle! she stayed sitting on my lap because i was eating cake, like a little kid, watching each and every bit go in MY mouth! just wishing i would drop some her way! Her mommy loves her bunches, and i said i would Harley-sit anytime! Still waiting to be asked too! hehehe....i tell her every time i visit, that she has to hide in my purse and come home with me! her mom almost "pats-me-down" when i leave. to make sure i didn't TRY ANYTHING FUNNY! lol
would just love to have Harley and Fujiman meet some day! Her mommy may come down to Ok. with me and kiddo! i wanna bring Harley along too! we'll see, when the time comes!